© Management Unit for the Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta

ICOMOS Vortrag

Special Region of Yogyakarta - Indonesia's newest World Heritage Site

Bambang Pramono has been a lecturer at Faculty of Arts, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, since 2006. He joined the Art Conservation Study Program, in 2023. He holds a master both in Interior Design and Architecture. Pramono currently does research on anthropology and cultural heritage in Indonesia.

Ajeng Kusuma is an Interior Designer and Architectural researcher based in Yogyakarta. She is currently working as a lecturer in Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) and has a master’s degree in architecture with a huge interest in vernacular buildings. Kusuma also works as a moderator and speaker.

The presentation will be held in English!

Wann: 26. Juni um 19.00 Uhr

Wo: Hörsaal 7 – Schütte-Lihotzky, Technische Universität Wien
Hauptgebäude, Hof 2, Stiege 7, EG
Karlsplatz 13
1040 Wien

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